Built-in JavaScript functions

utils - utility functions


Open a URL.

// Syntax
utils.openUrl( url: string, options?: { newTab:  boolean = true } )


Required. A String value that specifies the URL to open. It must start with http:// or https://.


Optional. Boolean value that, when True, specifies the url is to open in a new tab. The default value is True.

// Example: Open google.com in a new tab.
utils.openUrl("https://www.google.com", { newTab: true });


Open an PocketBlocks app.

// Syntax
utils.openApp( applicationId: string, options?: { queryParams?: {"key":"value"}, hashParams?: {"key":"value"}, newTab: true } )


Required. A String value that specifies the ID of the app to open.

queryParams: {'key1':'value1',key2:'value2',...}

Optional. An Object that specifies query parameters to pass into the app. The query parameters are added to the app URL in the form of ?key1=value1&key2=value2&...


Optional. An Object that specifies hash parameters to pass into the app. The hash parameters are added to the app URL in the form of #key1=value1&key2=value2&...


Optional. A Boolean value that, when True, specifies the url is to open in a new tab. The default value is True.

// Example: Open an PocketBlocks app in a new tab.
utils.openApp("632bddc33bb9722fb888f6c0", { newTab: true });

// Example: Open an PocketBlocks app and pass in "id" parameter.
utils.openApp("632bddc33bb9722fb888f6c0", {
  queryParams: { id: table1.selectedRow.id },


Download a file containing the specified data.

// Syntax
utils.downloadFile(data: any, fileName: string, options?: {
  fileType?: string,
  dataType?: "url" | "base64"
} )


Required. A String or Object that specifies the data to download from queries, components, transformers, etc.


Required. A String value that specifies the name of the file to download.


Optional. A String value that specifies the type of the file to download. All MIME types are supported.


Optional. A String value that specifies the type of the data: "url" or "base64".

// Example: Download the base64 data from a file component as a PNG file named users-data.
utils.downloadFile(file1.value[0], "users-data", {
  fileType: "png",
  dataType: "base64",

// Example: Download the results of query1 as a XLXS file named users-data.
utils.downloadFile(query1.data, "users-data", { fileType: "xlsx" });
// or in this way:
utils.downloadFile(query1.data, "users-data.xlsx");

// Example: Download the results of query1 as a XLXS file named users-data.
utils.downloadFile(restApiQuery.data, "users-data", {
  fileType: "pdf",
  dataType: "base64",


Copy a string to clipboard.

// Syntax
utils.copyToClipboard( text: string )


Required. A String value that specifies the content to copy.

// Example: Copy the content of input component to clipboard.

message - global notification

Use message methods to send a global alert notification, which displays at the top of the screen and lasts for 3 seconds by default. Each of the following four methods supports a unique display style.

// message.info( text: string, options?: {duration: number = 3 } )
message.info("Please confirm your information", { duration: 10 });
// message.success( text: string, options?: {duration: number = 3 } )
message.success("Query runs successfully", { duration: 10 });
// message.warn( text: string, options?: {duration: number = 3 } )
message.warn("Warning", { duration: 10 });
// message.error( text: string, options?: {duration: number = 3 } )
message.error("Query runs with error", { duration: 10 });


Use localStorage methods to store and manage key-value pair data locally, which is not reset when the app refreshes, and can be accessed in any app within the workspace using localStorage.values.


setItem(key: string, value: any)

Store a key-value pair.

removeItem(key: string)

Delete a key-value pair.


Clear all data in localStorage.


You can access any key-value pair in local storage using localStorage.values. in JavaScript queries.

Inspect the data in localStorage in Globals in the data browser.


Store a key-value pair.

// Syntax
localStorage.setItem(key: string, value: any)

// Example
localStorage.setItem("order", select1.value)


Delete a key-value pair.

// Syntax
localStorage.removeItem(key: string)

// Example


Clear all data in localStorage.

Last updated